Critical Reviews in Microbiology

Critical Reviews in Microbiology  
Abbreviated title (ISO) Crit Rev Microbiol
Discipline Microbiology
Language English
Edited by Malcolm Richardson, PhD
Publication details
Publisher Informa Pharmaceutical Science (UK)
Open access no
Impact factor
ISSN 1040-841X (print)
1549-7828 (web)

Critical Reviews in Microbiology is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes comprehensive review articles covering all areas of medical microbiology. Areas covered by the journal include bacteriology, virology, microbial genetics, epidemiology, and diagnostic microbiology. It is published by Informa.


Core Research Areas

Expert reviewers address the following disciplines:


Malcolm Richardson, Ph.D., was appointed Editor-in-Chief of Critical Reviews in Microbiology in November 2008[1]. Dr. Richardson is currently Associate Professor in Medical Mycology at the Haartman Institute[2], University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland although, in 2009, he will take up a new post as director of the regional mycology laboratory at the University of Manchester[3].

Publication Format

Critical Reviews in Microbiology publishes 4 issues per year in simultaneous print and online editions.

Subscribers to the electronic edition of Critical Reviews in Microbiology receive access to the online archive, which dates back to 1971, as part of their subscription[4].

External links
